Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chapter Three: Private Health Care


This article clearly lets the reader know the huge difference between the public and private health care systems. Private clinics charge $3,900 the first year and $2,900 every year onwards. Visibly, bystanders were able to distinguish a major distinction between the two different types of office. In a private office such as Copeman’s Healthcare Centre, there were “sleek furniture, oil paintings, and seasonal fruit”, whereas in a normal public clinic, the waiting rooms were overfilled with severely sick patients.

Having private health clinics may sound like something that citizens can gain from, but this strongly depends on the patient’s income level. The government plays a big role in controlling this factor, trying their best to achieve a balance. Currently Canada has a public health care system where everyone is equal. Whether a person is rich or poor, their access to health care is the same. The severity of the patient’s sickness determines how the medical professionals will treat them. Each and every patient pays the same fee for the same check-up or the same treatment. On the other hand, in a private health care system like US, the citizens with more cash are eligible for more service and better service.


This huge discrepancy between the public and private health care systems only adds to the gap between the rich and the poor. I like the way Canada’s health care system is operating at the moment. Having a public health care system like ours will ensure that every patient will get their needs met in order of priority. Doctors and nurses will treat everyone the same whether they’re rich or poor. This equality towards everyone will give the citizens more confidence in their government. The government setting regulations on the health care system, to ensure that all the needs of the citizens are met, lets everyone know that the government is looking out for them. This is why I am in favour of the public health care system that our nation has.

1 comment:

Jenny Z said...

I don’t think public and private health care systems are necessary to add the gap between the rich and the poor. I understand that having a public health care system will ensure everyone is treated the same; however, I still believe it’s a good idea to have private health care system. As mentioned in the article, the normal public clinic used to be overfilled with severely sick patients. These mean that patients will have to wait for a long time until their turn. They will have to surfer for those extra hours. If they choose to go to private clinics, they can easily reduce their pains. We should not consider money in the first place. I’m not suggesting going to private clinics all the time, but I’m sure that everyone can afford to pay private clinics when they needed to.

By Jenny Zhang